the terms of article 6 of the law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence
in the numerical economy, it is specified with the users of the site http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/ identity of intervener within the framework of its
realization and its follow-up:
Creator: Gerald ROULLET
Person in charge Publication: Gerald ROULLET
The person in charge Publication is an individual.
Webmaster: Gerald ROULLET
Appropriations: the legal mentions have been generated by SubDelirium Internet
Shelterer: https://www.ovh.com –SAS OVH, 2 street
Kellermann, LP 80157, 59100 Roubaix
use of the site http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/ implies full and whole acceptance of general conditions of
use described hereinafter. These conditions of use are likely to be modified or
followed up constantly, so the users of the site http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/ are invited to consult them regularly.
this site is accessible at any time by users. However, an interruption for
technical reason of maintenance can be decided by http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/.
site http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/ is updated regularly by Gerald ROULLET. In the same way,
the legal mentions can be modified at any time: nevertheless they are binding
to the user who is invited as often as possible to refer to them in order to
acquaint oneself with them.
accordance with the Code of Intellectual Property, Gerald ROULLET is owner of
the rights of ownership intellectual or holds the rights of user on all the
accessible elements on the site, in particular the texts, images, graphics,
logo, icons, sounds, software.
reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of whole or
part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or the process used, are
prohibited, except preliminary authorization written of: Gerald ROULLET.
unauthorized exploitation of the site or the unspecified one of the elements
which it contains will be regarded as constitutive of a counterfeit and will be
continued in accordance with the provisions of the L.335-2 articles and
following of the Code of Intellectual Property.
extracts of the Code of Intellectual Property:
article of the Code of Intellectual Property:
author of a work of the spirit enjoys on this work, of the only fact of his
creation, a right of ownership incorporeal exclusive and opposable to all.
right comprises attributes of a intellectual and moral nature as well as
attributes of a patrimonial nature, which are determined by the Ist books and
III of this code....
article of the Code of Intellectual Property:
famous is created, independently of any public disclosure, the only fact of the
realization, even unfinished, of the design of the author...
article of the Code of Intellectual Property:
provisions of this code protect the rights of the authors on all works of the
spirit, whatever are the kind, the form of expression, the merit or the
article of the Code of Intellectual Property:
regarded in particular as works of the spirit within the meaning of the present
photographic works and those carried out using techniques similar to
article of the Code of Intellectual Property:
quality of author belongs, except contrary proof, with that or those under the
name of which work is revealed.....
article of the Code of Intellectual Property:
author enjoys the right to the respect of his name, his quality and his
right is attached to its person.
is perpetual, inalienable and imprescriptible....
article of the Code of Intellectual Property:
author has only the right to reveal his work. Subject to the provisions of the
article L. 132-24, it determines the process of disclosure and fixes
the conditions of this one...
article of the Code of Intellectual Property:
right of exploitation belonging to the author includes/understands the right of
representation and the reproduction right.
article of
the Code of Intellectual Property:
representation consists in the communication of work to the public by an
unspecified process...
article of
the Code of Intellectual Property:
reproduction consists in the material fixing of work by all proceeded which
make it possible to communicate it to the public in an indirect way.
can be carried out in particular by printing works, drawing, engraving,
photography, moulding and very proceeded of the graphic arts and plastic,
mechanical, cinematographic or magnetic recording.
article of
the Code of Intellectual Property:
representation or reproduction integral or partial made without the assent of
the author or his having right or having cause is illicit. It is the same for
the translation, the adaptation or the transformation, arrangement or the
reproduction by an art or an unspecified process. ....
article of
the Code of Intellectual Property:
author enjoys, his life during, of the exclusive right to exploit his work in
some form that it is and to benefit pecuniary from it.
the death of the author, this right persists for the benefit of its having
right during the calendar year in progress and the seventy years which
article of
the Code of Intellectual Property:
the country of origin of work, within the meaning of the act of Paris of the
convention of Bern, is a third country at the European Community and that the
author is not amenable to a Member State of the Community, the duration of
protection is that granted in the country of origin of work without this
duration being able to exceed that envisaged with the article L. 123-1.
site uses JavaScript technology.
site could not be held responsible for material damages related to the use of
the site. Moreover, the user of the site commits himself reaching the site by
using a recent material, not containing a virus and with a navigator of last
put-with-day generation
the information indicated on the site http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/
is given
as an indication, and is likely to evolve/move. In addition, the information
appearing on the site
is not
exhaustive. They are given subject to modifications having been brought since
their setting on line.
ROULLET could not be held responsible for the direct and indirect damage caused
with the material of the user, at the time of the access to the site Gerald
ROULLET, and resulting either from the use of a material not answering the
specifications indicated to item 4, or of the appearance of a bug or an
spaces (possibility of putting questions in space contact) are at the disposal
of the users. Gerald ROULLET reserves the right to remove, without setting in
preliminary residence, very contained deposited in this space which would
contravene the applicable legislation in France, in particular with the
provisions relating to the data protection. If necessary, Gerald ROULLET also
reserves the possibility of blaming the civil and/or penal liability for the
user, in particular in the event of message in matter racist, abusive,
defamatory, or pornographic, whatever the support used (text, photography...).
France, the personal data are in particular protected by the law n° 78-87 from
January 6, 1978, the law n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, the article L. 226-13
of the Penal code and the European Directive of October 24, 1995.
In accordance with the provisions of articles
38 and following of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing,
the files and freedoms, any user has a right of access, of correction and
opposition to the personal data relating to it, by carrying out his written and
signed request, accompanied by a copy of the title of identity with signature
of the holder of the part, by specifying the address to which the answer must
be sent.
personal information of the user of the site
http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/ is not published without the knowledge of the user, is
exchanged, transferred, yielded or sold on an unspecified support with thirds.
site is not declared with the CNIL because it does not collect personal
data bases are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998
transposing directive 96/9 from March 11, 1996 relating to legal protection of
the data bases.
site http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/ contains a certain number of hypertext links of other
sites, set up by Gerald ROULLET. However, Gerald ROULLET does not have the
possibility of checking the contents of the sites thus visited, and will not assume consequently any responsibility for this
litigation in relation to the use of the site http://www.gerald-roullet-photos.com/ is subjected to the French right. It is made exclusive
attribution of jurisdiction to the courts of competent jurisdiction of Paris.
Intellectual Property, law of March 11, 1957 and the law of July 3, 1985
n° 78-87 of January 6, 1978, in particular modified by the law n° 2004-801 of
August 6, 2004 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms.
n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the numerical economy.
Net surfer connecting, using the above-named site.
information: "information which allows, in some form that it is, directly
or not, identification of the physical people to which they apply"
(article 4 of the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978).